How It Began
Our family moved to South Carolina in in the summer of 1990 when my oldest child was eight. We had four little ones at the time and I was extremely focused on being Carl’s helper and my children’s mother. In those early years as the new pastor’s wife, I taught children – both at home and in the church. Loved it. Still do.
After a few years and as our church was growing, some of the younger women asked me if I would teach mothering principles. I took their request to heart and began thinking through the most important things I had learned about mothering.
I began to write those thoughts down. That began my journey of writing and teaching a 6-week Bible study for mothers in my home. During those days, our fifth child was born and when he was a few months old, I invited women to my home in the afternoon for what I thought would only be a one time six-week Bible study to share with them the most important things I was learning. I was in process just like they were – I did not know all the answers – it was like sharing my journey as I was living and obeying what I knew. It was a sweet time. My children helped me host the Bible study and they are the ones who took care of their baby brother upstairs during the study.
On that first day, my living room was packed. Women were crowded in the hall and kitchen. I was overwhelmed as I realized the longing of young mothers to obey God, know His word, and apply it in their lives. I remember typing out notes and handing out copies that Kim printed for me. I wasn’t professional about it. I just wanted to encourage women – I wanted to do it from my home – with my children helping me.
What I thought would be one Bible study turned into my teaching the same material periodically. I don’t remember how many studies I held in my home – but I do remember when our church built our first building, I began teaching it periodically there because it was a more central location – made it easier for women to come. And they did.
At some point, God brought Lisa to one of those Bible studies. She was a tremendous encouragement to me. Then my husband and Lisa, at different times, suggested that I teach the Bible study in a conference format. Friday night and Saturday. What? I was so nervous. My mom came. I love her for many reasons – but I especially loved her then.
Lisa was so instrumental. She put professionalism on my casual approach. Professionalism in the sense that she came up with many ideas that I still use as I teach at Woman’s Life or anywhere, for that matter. I am grateful to this day for her help in those early days of ministry.
After the first conference, I didn’t realize how much I would be teaching women. Things grew. I taught more and more. My children did ministry with me. They worked in children’s classes, ran the sound, encouraged. No way could I have taught the first thing without them. They put everything to the test.They were my biggest fans and my biggest encouragers.
Once, I was asked to teach at a Cru staff wives conference. It was there where the women presented me with a chalk/watercolor version of the header at the top this site (it's been tweaked a little). The original was done on some kind of large paper, which GraceAnna and I rolled up and brought home and eventually I had it laminated.
We still hang it in the Atrium at church for promoting the Mothering from the Heart Bible study each time I teach it. And if you look closely at it, you can see the paper wrinkles underneath the lamination.
God brought other women to make things more lovely. I am so grateful for the talents of a friend, Nancy, who painted several beautiful banners to help promote women’s events at church. Conferences. Spring Tea. In those days, we hung them near the street for women to see as they drove by. What woman would not admire her work?
She even painted a stunning, sparkling version. What a gift. I wish I still had that banner. I don’t know what happened to it. And believe me, I have searched and searched for it because I would still be using it.
Then at some point, God brought Rhonda in my life. She created Titus 2 silhouettes which she framed and gave to me as a gift. I asked her if she could take the image of the mother and child and cross and do a silhouette. She did. That is the image you see at the top of the Mothering from the Heart Facebook page.
I wish I had kept a timeline of all that has happened over the years with exact dates and pictures. I wish I did. What I am sharing today is all from my not-so-perfect memory. I don't remember everything but I am so grateful.
God used and continues to use so many talents, gifts, and hearts of many women. God knows who they are and what they have done and are doing for His kingdom.
I love Hebrews 6:10:
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."
After a few years and as our church was growing, some of the younger women asked me if I would teach mothering principles. I took their request to heart and began thinking through the most important things I had learned about mothering.
I began to write those thoughts down. That began my journey of writing and teaching a 6-week Bible study for mothers in my home. During those days, our fifth child was born and when he was a few months old, I invited women to my home in the afternoon for what I thought would only be a one time six-week Bible study to share with them the most important things I was learning. I was in process just like they were – I did not know all the answers – it was like sharing my journey as I was living and obeying what I knew. It was a sweet time. My children helped me host the Bible study and they are the ones who took care of their baby brother upstairs during the study.
On that first day, my living room was packed. Women were crowded in the hall and kitchen. I was overwhelmed as I realized the longing of young mothers to obey God, know His word, and apply it in their lives. I remember typing out notes and handing out copies that Kim printed for me. I wasn’t professional about it. I just wanted to encourage women – I wanted to do it from my home – with my children helping me.
What I thought would be one Bible study turned into my teaching the same material periodically. I don’t remember how many studies I held in my home – but I do remember when our church built our first building, I began teaching it periodically there because it was a more central location – made it easier for women to come. And they did.
At some point, God brought Lisa to one of those Bible studies. She was a tremendous encouragement to me. Then my husband and Lisa, at different times, suggested that I teach the Bible study in a conference format. Friday night and Saturday. What? I was so nervous. My mom came. I love her for many reasons – but I especially loved her then.
Lisa was so instrumental. She put professionalism on my casual approach. Professionalism in the sense that she came up with many ideas that I still use as I teach at Woman’s Life or anywhere, for that matter. I am grateful to this day for her help in those early days of ministry.
After the first conference, I didn’t realize how much I would be teaching women. Things grew. I taught more and more. My children did ministry with me. They worked in children’s classes, ran the sound, encouraged. No way could I have taught the first thing without them. They put everything to the test.They were my biggest fans and my biggest encouragers.
Once, I was asked to teach at a Cru staff wives conference. It was there where the women presented me with a chalk/watercolor version of the header at the top this site (it's been tweaked a little). The original was done on some kind of large paper, which GraceAnna and I rolled up and brought home and eventually I had it laminated.
We still hang it in the Atrium at church for promoting the Mothering from the Heart Bible study each time I teach it. And if you look closely at it, you can see the paper wrinkles underneath the lamination.
God brought other women to make things more lovely. I am so grateful for the talents of a friend, Nancy, who painted several beautiful banners to help promote women’s events at church. Conferences. Spring Tea. In those days, we hung them near the street for women to see as they drove by. What woman would not admire her work?
She even painted a stunning, sparkling version. What a gift. I wish I still had that banner. I don’t know what happened to it. And believe me, I have searched and searched for it because I would still be using it.
Then at some point, God brought Rhonda in my life. She created Titus 2 silhouettes which she framed and gave to me as a gift. I asked her if she could take the image of the mother and child and cross and do a silhouette. She did. That is the image you see at the top of the Mothering from the Heart Facebook page.
I wish I had kept a timeline of all that has happened over the years with exact dates and pictures. I wish I did. What I am sharing today is all from my not-so-perfect memory. I don't remember everything but I am so grateful.
God used and continues to use so many talents, gifts, and hearts of many women. God knows who they are and what they have done and are doing for His kingdom.
I love Hebrews 6:10:
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."
Mothering From The Heart Bible Study
What started as a heart for my family and biblical mothering - teaching the practicality of the Bible to my own children and others they brought home has grown into my teaching the practicality of God's Word to women as well. My heart's desire has always been to know God intimately, to obey Him earnestly, and to see His hand in the small, everyday moments of life.
So with that heart, I opened my home and invited women in our church to come and together we'd study the biblical principles of mothering.
That original study is available for you in several venues. You can order the CDs and listen on your own, you can open your home and host a group of women with the DVD set, outlines, and invitational cards. Or you can submit a request for me to come and teach it in person.
This Bible study is at the center of my life's messages. More than anything, I want to help women understand the bigger picture of this incredible assignment given to us by God.
Raising children is not a hobby - it is a calling. This Bible study will encourage you, challenge you, convict you, and most of all give you a renewed perspective of this holy calling of mothering.
So with that heart, I opened my home and invited women in our church to come and together we'd study the biblical principles of mothering.
That original study is available for you in several venues. You can order the CDs and listen on your own, you can open your home and host a group of women with the DVD set, outlines, and invitational cards. Or you can submit a request for me to come and teach it in person.
This Bible study is at the center of my life's messages. More than anything, I want to help women understand the bigger picture of this incredible assignment given to us by God.
Raising children is not a hobby - it is a calling. This Bible study will encourage you, challenge you, convict you, and most of all give you a renewed perspective of this holy calling of mothering.
Bible Reading Program
Welcome to the Bible Reading Challenge! I am thrilled that you are embarking on the journey of reading God’s Word in its entirety over the next nine months. For many of you, you have years of experience of reading through God’s Word on a yearly basis. But for some, this may be your very first time reading through your Bible cover-to-cover. I am so excited that you are joining us!
Jeremiah 6:16 says, this is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” In this chapter of Scripture, the prophet Jeremiah is warning God’s people that a judgement is coming, and they need to listen and heed God’s Word. I love how Jeremiah (through the Holy Spirit) describes the Word of God: the ancient paths and the good way.
In the Bible Reading Challenge, we are women standing at the crossroads and we are pursuing that road sign: the ancient paths. We will walk through some books of the Bible that will feel like just that, ancient. But even though we may not fully understand everything we are reading, we know that the truth found in them is the good way. I promise you, the more you journey on this path, the more the Word will begin to make sense to you as you become a lifelong reader of God’s Word.
Our plan begins this Monday, September 4. I am including the paper plan here. You can access this link anytime or you can print it out.
The Bible Reading Challenge plan is also available in digital format here.
This is where you can easily listen to the audio of the daily readings and comment with any insights or encouragement. This link is available to any CBC woman (and your friends) to join.
We use the Youversion Bible app. Please know that I am not recommending any of the content on the app - we are using it as an avenue for us to read together only. Please don’t get sidetracked!
We begin our reading on Monday in Psalm 119. It is the longest Psalm and the longest chapter of Scripture in the Bible. There are 22 sections of 8 verses, with each section representing a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The theme repeated in every verse is the word of the Lord. It could have been written this way as a memory device, but most likely so that we could see that every aspect of God’s Word is sufficient for life and godliness.
Use Sunday to meditate and write out portions of this Psalm as you prepare for reading/listening to God’s Word this year.
As a reminder, all you need for the Bible Reading Challenge is your Bible! I want you to come to the Word of God each day just as you are and welcome it into your ordinary life. On the app, you will be able to LISTEN to the Word each day. This is what I do first thing in the morning.
Mothering From The Heart Radio
Mothering from the Heart is a radio program dedicated to encouraging the hearts of women in their everyday lives and is aired Thursdays at 11am (EST). Listen live at www.wagp.net or catch up on past programs which you can click on at the bottom of this page.
Typically, I am live in the studio taking questions from callers and responding to letters and emails women have sent in. On some Thursdays, you will hear messages I have taught in the women's ministry of my church.
You are invited to call in with your questions or raise issues for discussion. Reach us at (843) 525-1859. You can also email your questions or comments to mfth@wagp.net or message the FaceBook page.
Also please visit and "like" the Mothering from the Heart Facebook page! It is another avenue to ask questions, contact me, or leave a comment. I love hearing from you!
Typically, I am live in the studio taking questions from callers and responding to letters and emails women have sent in. On some Thursdays, you will hear messages I have taught in the women's ministry of my church.
You are invited to call in with your questions or raise issues for discussion. Reach us at (843) 525-1859. You can also email your questions or comments to mfth@wagp.net or message the FaceBook page.
Also please visit and "like" the Mothering from the Heart Facebook page! It is another avenue to ask questions, contact me, or leave a comment. I love hearing from you!