April 1
As I write this, it's early Monday, April 1, 2024 and I'm thinking about my mom. For the first 18 years of her life, she celebrated her birthday on April Fool's Day. She was born during the night at home and because her grandfather said April 1 was her first daylight, that day was her birthday. It wasn't until she needed her birth certificate for nursing school that she realized her birthday was actually March 31. Though she never complained about all the jokes and tricks played on her as she was growing up, she was relieved to know her actual birthday was March 31 and not April Fools' Day.
My mother was no fool. She was smart, hard-working, wise, and loyal.
Mama was 90 when she died in the early morning hours of Wednesday, December 27, 2023. Though I did not expect her to live to be 100, I was still shocked at the timing of her death. It's crazy to say that because death is expected for every one of us - no matter our age - but even more so if we live till 90.
When she died, I thought how she did not die on a Sunday. It struck me because everyone whom I have loved dearly - those closest to me - my grandma, my granddaddy, my daddy, and my little granddaughter, Jane - have died on a Sunday. I remember saying to my daughter-in-law, Maureen, "But it's still a church day."
In these last months since she died, I was looking toward her 91st birthday and, yes, so wishing she was still here. Don't misunderstand, I am so happy for her, but feeling sad for me. Grief is a such a process. Yet, in my sadness, it dawned on me that her birthday would fall on a Sunday and not only a Sunday, but on Easter! Resurrection Sunday.
So much hope - just so much hope. This realization was such a reminder to my still grieving heart that I do not grieve as those who have no hope. I have the hope of resurrection.
This dawning made me so grateful for how she learned her actual birthday was March 31 and not April Fools' Day. All these years later, I was comforted that her birthday was on Easter Sunday. So, with my husband and one of our grandgirls, we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Because of Him, even in this broken world, we smile at the future and we look forward to our final home. I know my mother was looking forward to getting to Heaven. In her final years, she was smiling at the future. In fact, when she died, she had a smile on her face. I know why - she saw her Savior!
We do not fear death, we just live our lives fully until the Lord takes us home.
This past week has been a great week because as I have reflected on all of my children, and I think about their lives and how they love the Lord, and how they are taking such good care of their families, I, too, smile at the future. There will come a time (unless the Lord returns first) when my children will be where I am now. My greatest joy is knowing that they love Christ.
And really, if we know the Lord, the reason our hearts still beat in our chests is so we can live for Him and tell others how they can know Him and live for Him as well.
When all is said and done, that's all that matters.
He is risen! He is risen indeed!
My mother was no fool. She was smart, hard-working, wise, and loyal.
Mama was 90 when she died in the early morning hours of Wednesday, December 27, 2023. Though I did not expect her to live to be 100, I was still shocked at the timing of her death. It's crazy to say that because death is expected for every one of us - no matter our age - but even more so if we live till 90.
When she died, I thought how she did not die on a Sunday. It struck me because everyone whom I have loved dearly - those closest to me - my grandma, my granddaddy, my daddy, and my little granddaughter, Jane - have died on a Sunday. I remember saying to my daughter-in-law, Maureen, "But it's still a church day."
In these last months since she died, I was looking toward her 91st birthday and, yes, so wishing she was still here. Don't misunderstand, I am so happy for her, but feeling sad for me. Grief is a such a process. Yet, in my sadness, it dawned on me that her birthday would fall on a Sunday and not only a Sunday, but on Easter! Resurrection Sunday.
So much hope - just so much hope. This realization was such a reminder to my still grieving heart that I do not grieve as those who have no hope. I have the hope of resurrection.
This dawning made me so grateful for how she learned her actual birthday was March 31 and not April Fools' Day. All these years later, I was comforted that her birthday was on Easter Sunday. So, with my husband and one of our grandgirls, we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Because of Him, even in this broken world, we smile at the future and we look forward to our final home. I know my mother was looking forward to getting to Heaven. In her final years, she was smiling at the future. In fact, when she died, she had a smile on her face. I know why - she saw her Savior!
We do not fear death, we just live our lives fully until the Lord takes us home.
This past week has been a great week because as I have reflected on all of my children, and I think about their lives and how they love the Lord, and how they are taking such good care of their families, I, too, smile at the future. There will come a time (unless the Lord returns first) when my children will be where I am now. My greatest joy is knowing that they love Christ.
And really, if we know the Lord, the reason our hearts still beat in our chests is so we can live for Him and tell others how they can know Him and live for Him as well.
When all is said and done, that's all that matters.
He is risen! He is risen indeed!

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