Manger In Danger
Audrey's daughter, GraceAnna, and her husband Grant Castleberry have created a seasonal game and devotional called "Manger in Danger." Find out more in this two minute video.

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A little bit about Audrey
(Written by her daughter, GraceAnna)
My mom was born and raised in the Carolinas, both South Carolina and North Carolina. She attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She met my dad her junior year in college while he was on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. While she originally thought she would only marry a southern boy, nine months after my dad asked for a first date at the beginning of her senior year, she was married to him - a northern and very godly man named Carl. She accepted that date because she had seen and heard of his character and love for Christ.
My mom was born and raised in the Carolinas, both South Carolina and North Carolina. She attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She met my dad her junior year in college while he was on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. While she originally thought she would only marry a southern boy, nine months after my dad asked for a first date at the beginning of her senior year, she was married to him - a northern and very godly man named Carl. She accepted that date because she had seen and heard of his character and love for Christ.
Links I hope you find helpful
Click on the links below for messages and series I think you'll find helpful as you grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.