When The Baby Cries
If you are a mom – whether you are new to motherhood or have several children; whether you are holding your grandbabies or even your great-grandbabies – you know babies cry.
Some of us get very anxious and nervous about the crying. "Am I doing something wrong?" "Why can't I make my baby stop crying?" Others just take it in stride. But for the mom who is navigating motherhood for the first time (and maybe others who've been around the block a few times), I would love to encourage you.
Crying in infants is normal. And they are typically expressing a need - whether it's security, holding, feeding, diaper change, tummy rumble ...
When I had my babies, I learned to meet their needs immediately during the early months when I was exclusively breast-feeding - I did not let them "cry it out," but as they grew and could be entertained by toys and motion and other things, I began to use my "sanctified gut" to sometimes let my older baby occasionally be upset or cry...
When I use the term, "sanctified gut," I'm referring to trusting God as you walk with Him to show you what is best for your baby in the moment.
When I could not hold my babies or carry them around while I was doing whatever I needed to do – I would put them in a safe place like a playpen, or something similar, with plenty of stimulating toys and also where they could see me. I didn't leave them alone somewhere because this was not nap time; I did this during their waking hours.
They could see me and I would say "hey honey, I'm right here" … I might even sing a little song as I was doing what I needed to do… I would say things like "I will come get you in a few minutes, but you're fine…" Things like that. I wanted my voice to be soothing and upbeat.
I do think this helps babies get a sense of delayed gratification and even though they don't like it, they know they're not "abandoned" because they can see mommy, they can see their siblings, if they have them, and they can begin to learn, even at this age, to control their emotions.
It's normal for babies to cry. It's the only way they have to express their unhappiness or discontentment. However, as moms, we don't have to let their unhappiness and discontentment make us unhappy and discontent.
They are fine! And then when you finish up whatever you needed to do - as you've talked to them and waved at them - then you can go get them and say, "See, mommy told you I'd pick you up and play with you…" Or whatever it is that you as their mom want to say to them!
It is not harmful to let them cry some while you are nearby and they are fed, dry, and have their basic needs met. Don't beat yourself up about this
Also, remember your heavenly Father is near and He cares about everything!!! He cares even about your baby crying while you need to get some things done. Pray for this time in your life. And ask the Lord to help you be calm even when your baby is upset. God is near! Deuteronomy 4:7 "For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the Lord our God whenever we call on Him?"
Just remember, no one needs to be upset but the baby. Your calmness and trust in the Lord will help your baby more than you know!
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